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Hello Softball Families!  CAA is looking forward to having a great softball season in 2025.


Please direct any questions to:

Brett Sween VP Softball


Kelli Strauss Travel Director

Important Dates

  • Registration is OPEN:  K/1/2 and 8U registrations are open -see registration page.   We’re always looking for a few more 10U and 12U players, so if you know anyone that missed tryouts but still wants to play. Please contact
  • Pre-Season Practices:  optional weekly practices run now through March and are posted on each team’s Sports Engine schedule. Please RSVP through SportsEngine each week
  • Uniform Fitting: scheduled for February 19th and 25th from 6:00-8:00PM at Pioneer Ridge Middle School.   All 8U, 10U, and 12U players should attend one of the sessions
  • Parent Meeting:  We’ll be hosting an in-person parent meeting on Thursday, March 6th at 7:00 PM in the Forum at Chanhassen H.S.  A parent/guardian of each 8U – 12U player should attend.

Development Opportunities

  • Open Gym: For all CAA Softball families, we have secured time at Chanhassen High School on Sunday, February 16th, from 6-8 PM for an Open Gym session – come for a few minutes or stay for the whole time!   
  • Varsity High School Clinic: Signup for a clinic run by our Chanhassen High School Varsity Softball team. All ages welcome. Friday February 28th 10:00AM-12:00PM.  (see registration page)
  • Spring Skills Clinics: We are currently working to provide clinic options for March/April. Stay tuned for more information!

Save the Date!

  • Fastpitch Friday:  Clinic on the field at the Chanhassen High School Stadium;  April 11th  Time: TBD   All CAA players are welcome! 
  • Storm Softball Youth Night:  Join us for one of the best nights of the spring on May 12th when the Storm take on Southwest Christian at 7:00pm.  

Softball Age Groups

USA Softball age group cutoff is now September 1st.  Please see the chart below for the new age groups by birthday.

Softball News

5,000 Swings

Weather Policy

Weather related cancellations will be posted on the CAA Diamond Sports Facebook page and sent via email by 4pm if Chanhassen & Victoria close the fields.  After 4:00 PM if the cities have not closed the fields, it is up to the individual coaches to determine if a team practice/game should be held.Coaches can use their team page to send an email to their teams if necessary. If no notification is sent out, assume the practice or game is still on.

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Contact Diamond Sports

for questions/comments/feedback

Mission Statement

To provide girls in the Chanhassen-Victoria area a place to play the great game of softball while developing lifelong physical and interpersonal skills, learning to compete and be a good teammate,  and most importantly, having fun.

About CAA Softball

CAA Baseball/Softball is a division of the non-profit 501 (c) (3) Chanhassen Athletic Association and is committed to providing community-based, recreational and competitive baseball/softball programs for boys and girls ages 5 – 18 from the communities of Carver, Chanhassen, East Union, and Victoria, or who attend school within District 112 boundaries (for softball draw areas click here).

Featured Sponsor Partner

CAA Diamond Sports would like to thank SCHEELS as a GREAT Sponsorship Partner.

CAA / Dugout Club Partnership

Dugout Club's mission is to "Support and improve baseball and softball facilities within the Chanhassen High School boundaries and to provide safe, playable fields and practice facilities that instill confidence and pride in participants and our communities.
Check out our Softball Resources page or their website for more information on the Dugout Club.

Softball Teams

Travel, Fall Ball, K-2

Softball Season Photos