The birth date cutoff for each season is April 30. The team (age level) for which a player is eligible is the same as the player’s age on that date. A player can opt to “play up” to play with his grade, but they may not “play up” because he or his parents believe he needs to be “at a more competitive level.”  A player cannot “play down” (i.e., play on a team younger than his/her age level) for any reason, per the governing organizations.  A copy of the child’s birth certificate must be supplied to the tournament head coach at the first parent/coach pre-season meeting, since each Tournament will require this documentation.

For the 2024 season:
9 and under born 5/1/14 through 8/31/15 or completing 3rd grade.
10-year-olds born 5/1/13 through 8/31/14 or completing 4th grade.
11-year-olds born 5/1/12 through 8/31/13 or completing 5th grade.
12-year-olds born 5/1/11 through 8/31/12 or completing 6th grade.
13-year-olds born 5/1/10 through 8/31/11 or completing 7th grade.
14-year-olds born 5/1/09 through 8/31/10 or completing 8th grade.
15-year-olds born 5/1/08 through 8/31/09 or completing 9th grade.

A player who has the option of playing up with his grade can only be evaluated for the one age level the player has signed up for (i.e. he cannot tryout for the 10-year-old team if he opts to evaluate with the 11-year-olds at his grade level).

Players in the CAA travel program cannot be rostered to play for any other active team or association outside the CAA from May 1 through the last game of the tournament season.  Any player found to be rostered on another active team outside of the CAA will be removed from the CAA team.